

  1. 答:Abstract: in this paper the origin of city image advertisement, summarizes the development of urban image advertisement, some in contemporary urban image of excellent advertising based on the characteristics of the Angle from the audience, and puts forward some improvement of city image advertisement pitfalls. In contemporary urban domestic outstanding characteristics of advertising, the author selected sanya, Shanghai, Singapore city image advertising as a specific case. In practice, combining theory with practice, practice, plete supporting theory of creation.
    Keywords: urban image advertisement, Good advertising, Misunderstanding, Sanya city advertising,
  2. 答:This article from China's city of origin of the image ads to start summing up the image of Chinese cities in the development of a number of ads errors at home and abroad to explore the best of contemporary urban image ads based on the characteristics, from the perspective of the audience raised a number of improvements to the current misunderstanding of China's urban image ads approach. Best of contemporary domestic and foreign cities to explore the characteristics of advertising, the author selected for Sanya, Shanghai, Singapore, the image of three cities as a case-by-case ad. In practice, the actual theory, the actual support for the theory of pletion of the creative thesis.
  1. 答:[Abstract] China's National Audit responsibilities are in the market economy under the system established, the audit coverage of a wide range, and limited the power of the audit. Therefore, to adapt to China's socialist market economy as well as the required power as a means of checks and balances, must be the responsibility of the State Audit to be perfect, put the supervision of public finances, checking accounts, as the most basic public responsibilities, and strengthen state-owned enterprises on specific audits, reasonable economic responsibility anizations to better economic performance in the market to fully play its role.
    [Key words] National Audit; audit responsibilities; to play a role; improve supervision
  1. 答:[Abstract] has collected the related fluorescence technology in the Chinese native medicine distinction the application research literature, led in the city to the fluorescence technology in the Chinese native medicine the applied research to carry on the summary, elaborated the fluorescence technology principle and in the Chinese native medicine distinction aspect application and the rule, finally indicated the present fluorescence technology insufficiently is also widespread in the Chinese native medicine distinction application, but the fluorescence technology vital role had the broad prospects for development.
    [Key word] traditional Chinese medicine; Fluorescence technology; Distinction
